Advanced Academics
Elementary School Advanced Academic Programs
Advanced Academic services are implemented in elementary schools using a school-based model. As gifted and talented students are identified through the district identification process in elementary, they are invited to participate in a G/T group with a highly qualified instructor to meet their needs in addition to classroom instruction. If these students are in grades 3-4, they will have the opportunity to participate in the dynamic, responsive, and inclusive REACH Program.
The REACH Program is defined by the following:
- Students will explore topics such as:
- Engineering
- Digital Citizenship
- U.S. Legal System
- Financial Literacy
- Coding
- Philanthropy
- These students will be served according to the following:
- A minimum of two hours per week
- These two hours will be on a rotating schedule so as not to miss consistent time or major assessments from one core content area
- Groups will consist of no more than 20 students at a time
- Given that students will only be missing daily assignments from time to time, they are not required to make up that work, though they are responsible for learning the content.
- A student would only be placed on probation from the REACH Program if their content grade drops below a 75 average for the 9-week period. Probationary period would then begin the following 9-weeks. Probationary students would be evaluated for re-entry into the REACH program at progress report periods.
- Identified G/T students are also served by highly trained classroom teachers so that they may receive instruction and support in extension and advanced activities within the regular curriculum.
Cassie Revia
Elementary Advanced Academics Teacher
Lyon and Nichols Sawmill Elementary Schools
Vicki Caudill
Elementary Advanced Academics Teacher
Magnolia Parkway and Smith Elementary Schools
Kodi Keith
Elementary Advanced Academics Teacher
Magnolia and Williams Elementary Schools
Whitney Turner
Elementary Advanced Academics Teacher
Bear Branch and Ellisor Elementary Schools